Missing glyphs

I am using PDFCreator to convert XPS files (that have been created by an invocation of XpsDocumentWriter.Write(Visual) in a .NET Framework 3.0 environment) to PDF files. Unfortunately individual glyphs are sometimes missing (not wrong, just missing: in particular the space for the glyph seems to be properly accounted for but the actual glpyh is not visible).

For an example of this consider the following files:

www.mathcoach.ch/Downloads/pdfcreator-test.xps and www.mathcoach.ch/Downloads/pdfcreator-test.pdf

As you can see (I hope) the integral sign that is clearly shown in the original XPS file is missing in the PDF file that PDFCreator (version 1.1.0) has generated.

If I send the above XPS file to another printer, I get the correct printout. So it really looks like this is a problem that is specific to PDFCreator.

If I use gxps.exe (i.e. GhostXps, version 8.71) the integral sign is shown correctly in the resulting PDF file. However, the use of gxps.exe leads to other problems: much larger PDF files in many  cases and crashes at other times, also gxps.exe version 8.71 seems to have trouble handling color correctly. In short, for me the use of gxps.exe is not (yet) a reliable method of converting XPS files to PDF.

Maybe this disappearance of individual glyphs is really only a very small bug in your code (I doubt it and fear that it is really a problem of ghostscript: I am using "Internal Ghostscript: GPL Ghostscript 9.00").

Regards and many thanks for your work on PDFCreator (which is a great tool anyway),

Christian Stapfer

You need Fences Plain font.

You need Fences Plain font.

Hello windfire.

 Thank you for your reply. However, I don't quite understand what you are suggesting, since my example document has all the fonts necessary for display embedded in it. So why on earth should PDFCreator add a reference to a font that was not there in the original XPS file? Also, if a font is referenced in a PDF file that is neither embedd nor installed, I think Adobe Reader would complain bitterly about it. But if I open the PDF file that PDFCreator has generated, I don't get any such complaints. So, no, I don't think a font is simply missing and needs to be installed.


This problem seems to have disappeared with the introduction of Internet Explorer 9 (or, maybe, some other change that was introduced in the XpsViewer.exe at around the same time).

Oops! - Sorry, no I can still reproduce the problem given the right kind of glyphs in the original XPS file.