No Reduce File Size option in Edit Module

According to the activation dialog within PDF Architect and the user guide ( the Edit Module has an option to reduce file size for PDFs.

I bought the Edit Module, but I cannot find the Reduce File Size button. The user guide says there is an “Optimize” group on the Edit Menu, but there isn’t one visible.
There is also no Reduce File Size menu item on the File menu, or PDF Optimized option on the Save As menu, which according to the manual there should be.
Can anyone tell me how to access these features with the Edit module, please?

Thank you!


I am afraid you have done everything right and the Reduce File Size option is currently not available in PDF Architect 2. Please send an email to so we can supply you with a temporary edit module for PDF Architect 1 where this options is still available untill we have updated this in PDF Architect 2. Or use our free tool PDFCreator (if you mainly are looking for reducing file sizes, this works way better and has more settings to adjust) which can be downloaded here:

best regards


did you purchase the module within the last 30 days? Then its easiest and fastest to go to and make use of our 30 day satisfaction guarantee. Otherwise please write us ( and we will find a solution.

best regards,


Thanks for responding. Since the Edit Module doesn’t include this feature and I have since had to use a different program for this, is it possible to get a refund for the Edit Module?

Thank you.


I am also intrested in the “Reduce File Size” option. Is there any plan to add it in PDF Architect 2?



it should be back again with the next update, it is already implemented and only needs to be tested a little.

best regards,


it is back in the latest version (a bit hidden directly in the “file” dropdown menu)