Options-autosave doesn't remember dir after restart

When I check "Use this directory for autosave" and set path to "N:\\public" (network drive) then save options, it works.

But after PDFCreator restart is there "c:\\PDFs\\\\\\"

Filename is remembered, but path not.

 (installed on Windows server 2003, with added drivers for 64bit systems)

I'm not sure if I am experiencing the same issue, but I have noticed that PDFCreator 1.0 does not 'remember' the last used directory for saving the pdf when I change it.  0.9.9 used to update the remembered directory as I saved files. It is interesting that 1.0 seems to have 'inherited' the last directory I saved to using 0.9.9 as its default directory but does not change this when I change the directory somewhere else.

Any advise, please?

I have installed the new version 1.0 and i can confirm that pdf creator doesn't remember the last saved directory as the version 0.99 does.

The new version 1.0 will always propose the "my documents" directory for saving, and changes in settings does nothing. After saving the profile in .INI file, i saw that the last saved directory was t:\\traces (it's correct), but PdfCreator does not use this value for new files.....


It's a bit annoying ...

best regards.


I had the same problem, and got around it by editing the registry setting AutoSave Directory under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

Should be fixed in version 1.0.1.