Pb : Sortie au format PostScript au lieu de Pdf quand Excel OLE


Sur windows server 2012 R2, PdfCreator standard.
Quand j’imprime à partir d’excel en mode ‘normal’, les pdf sont correctement créés.
En revanche, en pilotage OLE, les pdf créés sont en réalité des fichiers PostScript !

Quelqu’un a-t-il déjà rencontré ce problème ?


I am not sure if I understand the question correctly or what could be causing this.
Perhaps this helps: Since PDFCreator is a virtual printer, the first step of the conversion is always creating a PostScript file, which is created in a temporary folder and then converted to PDF using Ghostscript. It sounds like maybe this Postscript file is being renamed and copied, instead of converted, but I can’t see how this is technically possible from looking at our code.
Please set the logging level to “trace” in the PDFCreator application settings, repeat the procedure and send us the resulting log (support(at)pdfforge.org).

Best regards,


Hey Robin, i try to use english, so …

Thank you for your answer, i did not really think that a specialist would answer.
Because I was in emergency, i did a special script from ps2pdf.bat, in which my program replaces the first parameter whith the name of the ps file i want to deal with.
It solved my problem, but …

An other thing is that the problem appears as well with other similar tools.

I try to give a better description :

The excel file C:\Mes Sites\StatCap\STATINVEST_WEB\Fichiers\20170829163440154\Suivi Obaïbi Evreux - 28-08-2017.xlsx exists.
When i open it with Excel and Print the doc to the default printer (wich is PdfCreator), it works fine, according the active profile : a true pdf file is created.

Now via OLE : issue.
My program operates via OLE.
It creates the xlsx file (the one above), do the job to fill it it, close it, open it again, send print to default printer. An other process gets pdf files and send them.
The issue is that these are not pdf files, but ps files.

I shall try to set debug mode and tell you more, but not now.

Best regards

I forgot to mention essential fact
All the stuff works perfectly when running on my computer,
ISSUE APPEARS ONLY when it running on a Windows Serveur 2012 R2.