PDF Architect 7 silent uninstall?

I can silently uninstall PDF Architect 7 addons using:

:: PDF Architect 7 Edit Module
msiexec /x{BA2C2671-B379-4101-A21C-4C549671FC8D} /qn
:: PDF Architect 7 Create Module
msiexec /x{B600CC13-8F68-4D44-8867-93490894FAE5} /qn
:: PDF Architect 7 View Module
msiexec /x{E947A304-6110-4CFE-98AD-E6909072E87D} /qn

I stop and disable any Architect service...

taskkill /F /IM "architect.exe" /T >nul 2>&1
wmic service where "caption like 'PDF Architect%%'" call stopservice
wmic service where "caption like 'PDF Architect%%' and Startmode<>'Disabled'" call ChangeStartmode Disabled

...but I can't uninstall silently main application:

wmic product where "name like 'PDF Architect%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive
C:\ProgramData\PDF Architect 7\Installation\PDF_Architect_7_Installer.exe /uninstall

(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PDF Architect 7)

Very disappointed. Is there any option to uninstall silently main application PDF Architect 7?

Thank you in advance

Being sarcastic, you just let your subscription auto-renew and they deactivate everything. I've been complaining for three months and their support has been great at sending download links to the FREE version, but not at providing the paid access and even worse at refunding the auto-renewal fee.

I too am very disappointed at this program. But, we are getting ready to hire 5 to 10 folks and I am researching other options (or may just proceed with Adobe Acrobat). I can't deal with this issue for up to 10 laptops!