PDF Architect add-ins in Word 2003


I'm on a new fresh install (windows 10) on a new computer where I've Office 2003, Office 2010 and LibreOffice.
The startup of Word 2003 is very long (about 45 seconds).
I've a look to the add-in & toolbars (Tools => personalize Outils, Personnaliser in French).
I've 2 toolbar option : pdf architech and pdf architect3.
They are unchecked.
On that machine I NEVER install Pdf Architect, but I've all the .doc, .docx... files saved and restored from the previous computer.
I try to "clean" my templates (.dot) and remove definitively these add-ins. It doesn't work.
It works during a word 2003 session.
Each time I open word 2003 (blank page), they are present.

I tried many searches (registry included) but I don't find anything looks like pdfarchitect, pdfforge, etc.

What can I do to remove definitively these (pseudo) components (tool bar).

Note : I don't want to install any version of Pdf Architect.

Thanks for your help.