I have a very grave issue with pdf creator as installed by default.
It prompts the user to automatically download/update new version (good / ok). However, the installer then defaults to include the ad-ware brower plug-ins. Normally that isn't too upsetting (we all have to pay bills, I understand.). However, this particular beastie can not simply be disabled/uninstalled. It actually hijacks firefox settings, and returning to google as your default search provider for the address bar actually requires editing about:config to change the Keyword property. As far as I'm concerned, this now puts PDF creator on my malware list. That's might not be fair to the program itself, but sleeing with dogs means you get the fleas as well. I hope the team is able to find a less invasive sponsorship.
Thank you for the hint on the download link. They are coming up with this thing again and again, with changing domains, so it really is hard to track down. We only include the mentioned Yahoo Toolbar (which can be easily uninstalled from the toolbar menu).
But there are unfortunately some guys placing links on well-known sites (VLC, SumatraPDF, sourceforge) showing these download links, that look quite official.
We will again block the advertising and will protest on the AdSense team to try to get rid of them.
I have some additional comments now I have had time to check into it further.
When I downloaded the PDF Creator from the PDF Forge web site I see it installs the version of PDF Creator that I expected to see with Yahoo Toolbar bundled in.
I have obfuscated the link on purpose - it looks like a Google Ads advert. It is located in the middle of the page, between the link for PDF Creator and the link for PDF Creator Source Code.
This takes you to a seemingly official download page that purports to offer PDF Creator but in fact offers PDF Creator bundled with loads of other stuff such as the toolbars already mentioned.
It's possible that the developers of PDF Creator aren't even aware this is happening - but it's slightly confusing to anyone visiting the PDF Creator web site and might need to be addressed.
Ok, I had to do some testing myself to see what was happening.
1. The Automatic update check seems to have been removed a long time ago, so my original complaint is long null.. (obviously, we rarely actually use PDF Creator in our office :) )
2. The update check, whether automatic or or manually chosen, brings you to the Sourceforge download page. As mentioned above, it's very easy for a misleading ad to redirect users to a malware install. I offer sincere appologies for the libel in my original post, and welcome mods to delete it if they wish.