PDFCreator 3.4.0 Jobs stacking in the queue without to be printed and left in the queue

Hi all,
It seems that some of the jobs that put in the queue are being skipped and left in queue, making PDFcreator crash. It happens mostly following a bigger printed file .

I have tried different wait to avoid queuing a new fob before the previous one finished, .isjobsucceful or finished, tried to release the com and initialize the queue before setting for a new job. they seem to not fixing the issue.

How can i make sure to only starting a new job when the previous is finished ?

Below is my code in vba excel:


Public Function SaveAs_PDF(WbPDF As Workbook, sPDFPath As String, sPDFName As String)
Dim PDFCreatorQueue As Queue
Dim PDFcJob As PrintJob
Dim GetPrinterName As Printers
Dim WaitJob2BinQeue As Integer
Dim PDFobT As PdfCreatorObj

Set PDFobT = CreateObject("PDFCreator.PdfCreatorObj")
Set PDFCreatorQueue = CreateObject("PDFCreator.JobQueue")

WaitJob2BinQeue = 0

Do While PDFobT.IsInstanceRunning = True
If PDFobT.IsInstanceRunning = True Then PDFCreatorQueue.ReleaseCom



If WaitJob2BinQeue > 10 Then
    'Clear the queue
    ' Init the queue
End If

'Send to queue the job
WbPDF.PrintOut 'Background:=False

'Make sure the job arrived in the Queue
Do Until PDFCreatorQueue.Count <> 0
    WaitJob2BinQeue = WaitJob2BinQeue + 1
    PDFCreatorQueue.WaitForJob (5)
    If WaitJob2BinQeue > 11 Then GoTo Endit
    If WaitJob2BinQeue > 10 Then GoTo ReloadTheJob

'Set the job to print
Set PDFcJob = PDFCreatorQueue.NextJob

'Set the printitng profile to use
PDFcJob.SetProfileByGuid ("DefaultGuid")

'Launch the printing
PDFcJob.ConvertTo (sPDFPath & sPDFName)



End Function

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