PDFCreator Bug Report

We mainly use Merge function. There have been many cases spotted where new updates introduce new issues. I would say Tester failed the testing.

Bugs Seen:

  1. After a successful Merge, the next merge screen only has one PDF shown even though multiple files were selected before Merge was clicked.
  2. During the first Merge screen, sometimes selecting a PDF file de-selects another or all.

This newest version - 5.2.2 looks very buggy and untested.


Hi @tedlin001,

Thank you for your feedback.

So, far no other customer (to my knowledge) reported issues with the merge screen. It would be very helpful for us if you could create some kind of screen recording and send it (or the link) to support@pdfforge.org.

Many thanks!

Best regards,

Hey Sascha,

Thanks for the reply and I have recorded two clips for the issue raised and will send them to the support email address mentioned.
