PDFCreator not printing from network workstations


I’ve recently installed PDFCreator 1.7.3 on a Windows 2008R2 Print Server.  I have shared the printer, and have the monitor running.  I use GPO to push the printer to the users on the network, and up to this point everything works well.  Auto save is in a network shared folder which each user has access to.

The problem I am having is that when I print to PDFCreator nothing is happening.  I watch the monitor and nothing comes up, and no documents saved.  I don’t see any error messages anywhere.

Any help resolving this would be greatly appreciated.


Sal, did you find an answer on this issue?

I have a similar with yours. I have  installed PDFCreator 1.7.3 on a Windows 2008R2 virtual Server . When I print from notepad the printing stays in the pdfreator printer in windows and it does not go to the pdfcreator.
If someone can help me I will be much obliged.


No yet Elias.  Sounds like you have the same issue.  Only when I fire off a print form a workstation, it actually leaves the PDF Printer on the workstation…no idea where it goes.


there always needs to be a user logged in running the PDFCreator, otherwise it will not work.
If it is a different issue, please enable logging on the “PDF Print Monitor”, from the “printer” menu. You can also enable logging for the pdfcmon.dll by adding the DWORD logging with value 1 to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors\pdfcmon .
best regards,