PDFCreator not printing, window doesn't appear

Hi Everyone,

i'm struggling with an error at the desktop of one of our users. When Printing from any Application the Job is sent to the Printer but PDFCreator doesn't appear.

When printing the testpage out of PDFCreator itself the task completes just fine.

PDFCreator is running on Windows 7 x64. The user has got administrative rights.

Where may i look to get this working again? Is there any possibility to compare the path of the spooler to the path of PDFCreator.

Any advice is welcome. I already tried to find this topic through the site search, but all other topics which looked similar ended without any result.

If you need any other information: just ask and i'll post it as soon as possible.


With kind regards



Have you the last version of pdfcreator ?

Hi again, 

yes, PDFCreator 1.2.3 is installed.

