PDFcreator shortens filenames

Hi everybody,

my PDFCreator 0.9.1 shortens filenames (e.g. "St Pauls CofE VA Primary Sc...") if I print from websites (and other sources) to PDF.

Is there away to avoid this shortening of the title?



I am afraid that this is not possible at the moment. There is a problem in Ghostscript which will result in no PDF at all, if the filename is too long, so we crop it.

If you have a fixed pattern that can be removed (i.e. beginning with "Microsoft Word - "), you can use the filename substitution to automatically remove this to have more space for the proper name.

kind regards,


Thanks for the quick feedback.

I usually expand the filename manually and that works fine. It just takes time.

I guess I will have to put up with that for the moment. Are there any changes coming up for Ghostscript to change this limitation?

I have the same problem too...

But its caused by firefox.

PDFCreator 0.9.9:

a test pdf output filename was more than 100 character...

Great work! Happy New Year!


I have the same problem too.

The tag in any html page is cropped in the pdf filename.

It's a pity. I hope it will be fixed soon.

Best regards.

We have the same problem. Lots of websites will give you a long filename and the important information is at the end. For example, eBay will put the item number very deep in the title.

The easiest fix I can think of would be to add more control options with filename substitution. Since there is usually some type of pattern. For example, removing everything from the left of " - eBay " would work for us. I'm sure with adding more options most problems could be solved.