Print JNT Batch Script *ALMOST* working, HELP

Hi guys, i tired to write a cmd-Script for windows that converts JNT to PDF. Unfortunately it doesn't really work. It should work perfectly....but


Here it is: could you have a look at it please?

(The comments (REM ...) explain what i do, they are in German):


REM Skript sthet unter GPLv3 by jcol11 
REM man benötigt PDFCreator um es ausführen zu können

REM create a fresh Directory no content in it (delete it if it is already there)
rmdir %cd%\PDFs_%Date%
mkdir %cd%\PDFs_%Date%

REM old Printer ("%alterdrucker") = standard printer, remember
SET %alterdrucker=MeinDrucker

REM set PDFCreator as standard printer
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n "PDFCreator"

REM activate Autosave
REG ADD HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PDFCreator\Program /f /v UseAutosave /d 1

FOR %%f IN (*.jnt) DO (
REM set Filename
REG ADD HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PDFCreator\Program /f /v Autosavefilename /d %%f

REM set Autosave Directory setzen	
REG ADD HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\PDFCreator\\Program /f /v AutosaveDirectory /d %cd%\\PDFs_%Date%\\

REM PrintFile to pdf
"%ProgramFiles%\\Windows Journal\\Journal.exe" /p "%cd%\\%%f")

REM restore old printer
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n %alterdrucker%



it s nice to see that you re trying to help me :)

I tested your script but it still doesn t really work (e.g. because the Windows Journal Application has some nasty propterties). But that s ok. I wrote a dirty work around ( This dirty workaround should work for all file-types  - also for rtf.

There are also some TODO tasks listed:

*only reprint changed files

*script it better.


PS: you mentioned that you could only use the relative Path. For me this isn't working on Win7.


Would be nice to see you improving this :). Maybe this Script will be included in PDFCreator, since there are many people who want this automated conversion.