Print setting says document will be "page" size; output is A4 (8.26x11.69)

This has never been a problem, or even anything I have noticed, but when I tried to print a PDFCreator-generated file on a Fedex Office (Kinkos) copier today from a USB drive, it would not work.  A flashing Error light appeared on the copier.  After looking at the file from her computer, the person who helped me pointed out the file was saved in A4 size.  I checked the settings when I print documents with PDFCreator and it shows Page size and yet when I look at the file properties of my document (in fact, all my PDFCreator-generated documents), they indeed show A4 page dimensions.  When printing to a printer after having brought up the file in Adobe Reader, there is a default setting in Reader that prints A4 documents on 8.5x11 paper without me thinking or noticing anything so that is why it has not been an issue outside the Fedex copier situation.

It would be great if this issue could be addressed. Otherwise, I guess I just have to stay away from printing from a USB drive.


 I've had this same exact problem.  The only way to fix it seems to be manually configure the printing preferences in windows to have a default paper size of letter instead of A4.  Right click PDFCreator in your printer list of Windows and select printing preferences, click the Advanced button and change the page size there.