Problem editing PDFcreator documents with password protection

I have created many PDF documents with PDF creator for which I have set owner passwords to prohibit copying and editiing.

I am now evaluating commercial PDF editing software to purchase (tried NitroPDF & Nuance PDF Pro so far).

Problem is that either of these editors are able to open password protected PDFs creted by PDFcreator for editing. It just fails with a wrong password message although I am 100% sure that the password I am entering is correct. I created a new document using PDFcreator 1.0.1 with a simple 3 letter password just to 100% sure. Same result; password failed.

Editing password protected PDF documents created by these programs work fine, but I want to be able to open password protected documents created by PDFcreator as well.

Am I missing something or is there a problem with the way PDFcreator applies password protection?