Problem with install pdf creator business msi


Je viens de télécharger la version PDFCreator-Business-2_5_2_5233-Setup_x64.msi et l’installation n’aboutie pas. Un message d’erreur apparaît “There is a problem with this Windows installer package”.

Quelqu’un a t-il une solution ?


I just downloaded the PDFCreator-Business-2_5_2_5233-Setup_x64.msi and the installation was not successful. You receive an error message “There is a problem with this Windows installer package”.

Does anyone have a solution?
Thank you


there are mutiple possible reasons for this.
If you are installing on a single machine, I recommend using the .exe installer instead.
The MSI needs to be run from an elevated command line and you need to provide the license key as parameter:

Any version of PDFCreator which were still installed with an .exe installer need to be removed manually before running the MSI. The MSI needs to be able to connect to our license server

Best regards,



we have bought over 100 Business licenses. We didn’t know that we need for the installation an internet connection to install this software.
Our admin accounts don’t have for security reasons an internet connection.

Is there no chance to install this software without an internet connection? Our normal users have an Internet Connection.

best regards,

Dear Luke,

if the internet connection requires going through a proxy, it is possible to pass the proxy details to the setup.
Alternatively, temporarily granting an admin account internet access to perform the installation/activation might be an alternative. Once the setup is complete, normal user rights + internet access are enough to keep the software activated, the admin rights are only needed to create the printer during the setup (or to add/remove printers later on).
Otherwise, the only option would be manually installing PDFCreator Business on each machine, using the offline activation, which is obviously not really suitable for 100 machines.
There is also a PDFCreator Custom edition which doesn’t require an internet connection, but it is more expensive.

Best regards
