Somebody sent me a .pptx file which simply refuses to print in screen format through PDFcreator from powerpoint. Everything I can think of is set to "screen" or a screen resolution, yet out it comes in a letter format (with the "slide" inserted on that page.
Any ideas?
Windows XP SP3, PDF creator 1.0.2 installed 8/24/10, using ghostscript 8.70. Powerpoint from Microsoft Office 2003 patched through September.
With PowerPoint set to "On-screen Show" for the slide format I never could get it to print as anything other than Letter (Portrait). The work around, not ideal, was to change PowerPoint's "page setup" to A4 (Landscape). Since PDF Creator has exactly that format too, it was able to print without problems. The shape is slightly different (W/H=4/3 for "On-screen Show", W/H=~1.414 for A4), but close enough for now. Closer than Letter would have been.
I think the issue is that while there is a Custom Postscript setting when choosing page sizes for PDF Creator, it doesn't have a slot that lets it match the Name to whatever the calling program uses. So here I could never enter "On-screen Show" into PDF Creator, and for some reason or other that resulted in a default to Letter (Portrait) mode when it couldn't match a print format to what PowerPoint was calling for.