RegAsm.exe problem on Windows 8


We use PDFCreator 1.2 in our headliner product for conversion of user documents to pdf.
Mostly everything works fine, but recently we encounter an issue while installing PDFCreator on WIndows 8. Installer tries to register pdfforge.dll for COM Interopability using RegAsm.exe from .NET 2.0, which isn’t available on Windows 8 by default. So it results in frustrating for user error message about process creation failure, which can’t be removed and is unacceptable for us.
I’ve done some research and found that pascal scripting function “IsDotNET20Installed” checks .NET 2.0 installation by checking existance of folder “%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727”, but such check is broken as design. Instead it should check registry value “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ET Framework Setup\DP\v2.0.50727\Install”. Did you address this issue in PDFCreator versions released after 1.2.0 ?
We can’t use latest PDFCreator version right now, because it’s integration require lots of testing, so my latest idea was to alter installation package of PDFCreator 1.2.0, but I can’t do it without [Code] section of install_script.iss. I would appreciate if you give it to me so I can fix this issue.

Best regards,

I am on Windows XP Professionel 2002 Service pack 3 . I tried to install 1.5.0 and 1.5.1 and I encounter the same issue. It resumes installation after flashing the message, but does not work at all for wrong protocol in COM issue. What to do, I am not as versed as the gentleman before me.

I have the same Problem with PDFCreator 1.5.1 and Windows 8. What do I have to install to get this to work?

I have the same Problem with PDFCreator 1.5.1 and Windows 8. What do I have to install to get this to work?


sorry for not answering earlier, is this problem still active for version 1.6.2?



Hello, Robin,

Nice to hear someone from the dev team at last =)
I think this issue is not relevant for version 1.6.2 anyway because that version forces install of .NET 3.5 before installation of PDFCreator. .NET 3.5 installation install .NET 2.0 as well. So if .NET 2.0 installation check is still designed as I described, it simply works because .NET 2.0 is in place at the time of the installation.

Best regards,