Resource consumption on server 2008 R2

 Is anyone else having issues with slow-grow resource consumption with PDFcreator on Server 2008 R2 64bit ?  After letting it run for 2 weeks no reboots, i noticed the 2 pdfcreator.exe processes running were up to consuming ~50% of both CPU's and using a combined total of 3.0 GB's of RAM.  This is on a server that is not yet in production, so nothing was being printed to it, other than a couple of test documents.

As a side note, to get PDFcreator working I have done the work-arounds posted here:

 Ok, after carefully watching this, i've noticed that every time PDFCreator receives a job, the memory utilization goes up and it never releases that memory.  It slowly keeps counting up with every print job sent to it.

I'm also wondering why there are 2 of the same process running, both titled PDFCreator.exe *32.  Is this normal?  Both are consuming resources in the same fashion.

 after upgrading to 1.2.2 I am still seeing this issue.  Memory consumption slowly creeps upward.  It does not seem to be consuming it as quickly, but its still happening.  Went from ~31 MB this morning after a fresh reboot to now its at 63 MB.  

Would love to know if others are having the same issue.  

 Not sure.  my current work-around is to restart the service frequently.  Depending on your volume, you'll just need to schedule the appropriate frequency w/ the Windows Task Scheduler.   I'll probably bump up to 2x per day once I start using this full-time.



I seem to be having the same issue and on top of that after a while i am getting blank prints or no documents at all coming out.


Do you think there is a solution to this issue??

I have tried that but the one issue i am still having is sometimes it prints an empty pdf other times half a pdf and then sometimes a full pdf. you can never simulate this or discover why this is happening .


Have you encountered this problem

  • What version of PDFcreator will work with Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise 64-bit Without the memory issues experienced by others and not needing to restart frequently?
  • Also, when will it be officially released?

Thanks in advance!


 the lack of native 'windows service' support is really the problem here.  every few days/weeks pdfcreator will stop working.  taskmgr will show hundreds of hours of CPU time and have the CPU pegged at 50%.  now i have no recourse except to restart the service.  It would be nice if I could open the managment window to see what job it is stuck on, or what is goin on.  Unfortunatly when i open the PDFCreator managment window it just creates a second insance.  I dont understnad why pdfforge has not put more development emphasis on supporting their product as a server solution?  my two cents.  -mark

 Can anyone from the dev/support team comment on this issue?  It still persists even with version 1.2.3.  

We tried 1.3.x but it ended up hosing the entire PDFCreator install and we had to start over from scratch loading 1.2.3 and rebuilding all of our printers and profiles to get it to work again.