Clicking PDF Creator on the toolbar to make PDF from webpage results in the runtime error out of memory message. Previously worked fine. What should I do next?
Can we get a screen shot?
Printing from MS Visio fails, when I see screen with confirmation of saving the file, SAVE butto do not react. Then error message appears.
Message from errol log:
PDFCreator 0.9.9 - Error message
Error-Nr: -2147024882 (Out of memory)
Modul: frmPrinting
Procedure: InitForm
Line: 50130
Date/Time: 01-29-2010 / 08:53:22
Printing smaller documents (WORD, XLS works ok)
I can also confirm that printing via the PDFCreator print driver under Windows XP from MS Visio 2003 doesn't work. This is with a 2 page, 1.2MB file (although it is a complicated set of rack/network connections). Printing from another program to a PDF seems to work without issue.
As krzyszuk says, the job is sent to the PDFCreator print monitor and when the save confirmation screen appears, pressing SAVE appears to have no effect. In the background (if you leave that screen) PDFCreator works away and eventually runs out of memory as shown below (I don't seem to be able to post the actual window that pops up):
PDFCreator 0.9.9 - Error message
Error-Nr: 7 (Out of memory)
Modul: modGetFilename
Procedure: GetFilename
Line: 50170
I left it overnight and by the following morning most of my other applications were having issues because of low memory on the 2Gb desktop machine I use.
I have not had issues with an earlier version of this Visio file and PDFCreator 0.9.8. The earlier version of the Visio file will also not work with 0.9.9.
I will reply to say whether the file could be printed to a PDF after I downgrade to 0.9.8
I uninstalled 0.9.9 and installed 0.9.8.
I was still not able to print the Visio file. I did notice that there was only one busy PDFCreator.exe process (I am sure there were 2 under 0.9.9). Left for >30 minutes it did eventually prompt me where to save the PDF. It created an empty PDF file.
By this point, as with 0.9.9 eventually, the screen was showing artefacts - transparent menu bars, distorted writing, missing text from things like Google calendar and other HTML windows. Acrobat Reader was not able to start to show the saved document because it said that the image was incorrect and then that core files were missing.
PDFcreator continued to chew up bits of CPU until the Visio document was closed.
I tried 0.9.8 on a previous version of the Visio document that had worked without issue in November. After 20 minutes of CPU usage, PDFCreator disappeared from the Task Manager process list, without error. No document was created.
I wonder whether this has anything to do with the Adobe Acrobat 9.3 release as clearly something must have changed on this machine and this seems to be the most relevent change that I can recall in the intervening period.
I tried printing using the CutePDF driver and this worked without issue, which I think rules out an Adobe Acrobat Reader component issue.
The CutePDF driver used the already installed Ghostscript components installed by PDFCreator 0.9.9 and 0.9.8.
PDFCreator 0.9.9 - Error message
Error-Nr: 7 (Out of memory)
Modul: FrmPrinting
Procedure: SaveEDoc
Line: 50130