If I have a PDF file of 20 pages and 15 of these pages are greyscale or monochrome, but there are 5 pages which has some colour on them. Can your PDFCreator split the greyscale/monochrome pictures to tiff and the pages with colour to JPG automatically.
I have a large project with over 100,000 pdf's that I need to do this with, so I need to be able to do it automatically, so I was hoping to do this using the COM interface.
Regards, AH
In version 0.9.9 you can create to printers. One auto saves to a tif and one to a jpeg. Then you can print the first 15 pages to printer1 and the rest to printer2.
If it was only that simple. Unfortunately in every document the location of the color pages can be anywhere and not sequential. So I need to somehow be able to identify if there is colour on a page and then save that to JPG. So by default all pages should be saved as monochrome tiff, but if it comes across a page with colour, then save it as a JPG.