How do you change the security settings in PDF Creator program?
How do you change the security settings in PDF Creator program?
You can use the options dialog. Please check it.
Hi there Frank
I'm not a computor 'geek' , in fact I'm 71 years old so please bear with me on this issue.
Going to options as you advise does not answer my oruginal ?
I just need som pratical step by step instructions please.
Hi there Frank
I'm not a computer 'geek' infact I'm 71 years old.
I' tried clicking the options, but jst how does one change the settings.
Just need some practical advice here 'please'
Don’t worry about your age, 21 year olds are just as confused only they don’t care. I have often seen highly experienced systems-level programmers reduced to erkking and gakking like a newbie when confronted with the simplest of plain language, three option, application program menus they have not seen before as though they were written in Ancient Greek. Me too. And many Grade A geeks are in their sixties anyway, or - like you - still more decrepit than that, so it’s not even an excuse. To answer your question:
Windows Start Menu -> Programs -> PDF Creator -> PDF Creator
Printer -> Options -> Formats -> PDF - Security
Check “Use Security”
Select which “Encryptor” you want to use (don’t look at me)
Select the “Level” (breakability) according to how secure you want it AND/or which version of the Acrobat reader or it’s equivalent will be doing the decrypting (if you want the max, use the General tab to ensure you’re using PDF format 1.4 or higher).
Select which password/s you want to set (there are two, one to allow “opening” the file at all and one to allow the changing any of the security settings, including the password/s. The second is an “add on” to the first, because unless the second password is set anyone who opens a document with the first one can change any of the restrictions (calm down, think slowly).
Select what user actions you want to secure with the password (note there are two PDF-level dependent bunches). In the second bunch, “low resolution printing” is a “qualifier” of the “disallow printing” in the first bunch - it lets people print, but not in a way that enables them to use the facilities of a sophisticated Postscript printer to bypass any of the other restrictions (and the print quality is legible but low); “screen readers” are accessibility devices, such as speech synthesizers for the partially sighted; “changing the assembly” means extracting bits of the file and rearranging it, inserting it into other files or other files into it, and so on - i.e. “editing” it.
Convert the document.
Take an aspirin, have a lie down.
Get up, make a cup of tea and a 600 d.p.i. resolution in future to read through the manual of every significantly large program before you run it (it usually has the answer and, even if it doesn’t, fora are often useless - too much noise, not enough answers - not least because, by now, you might be getting an inkling that answering newbie questions is a very time consuming task for a busy geek with a life to live (so only ask when you’ve really tried to RTFM - Read the F------- [Friendly] Manual - properly: I’m only writing this because I finally have an hour to waste after weeks of wall-to-wall work but cannot leave the beeping console to go get a pizza); even worse are the fora archives with machine indexing based on an international audience’s choice of second-language words to describe a possibly similar problem in any of thousands of posts).
Now, where’s the “Post” button? Help, there’s no “Post” button…
I'm feeling like a moron after staring at this for 45 minutes.
I simply do not have a security setting.
I'm trying to follow these steps:
"Windows Start Menu -> Programs -> PDF Creator -> PDF Creator
Printer -> Options -> Formats -> PDF - Security"
...but I don't have a "Formats". I've gone through every setting that I can see and I don't see security anywhere.
Looking through the help file, I see something about "Hidden Settings", which seems to be how you include the security settings, but I don't see how to turn this on.
Any help?
(Sorry if I sound whiney! I'm just frustrated)
I felt like I was reading help files for a completely different software; so I tried uninstalling and installed an old version (I went with .8) and it works just like the instructions say.
I am fairly reluctant to use 6 year old software though, so can someone tell me whether there is a way to make the new version work like the old version in terms of security?
OK 3rd reply now...
Now I feel like even more of an idiot. I just did not see that you had to click on the separate "Formats" tab in the left hand menu underneath the "Program" tab.
I looked everywhere in the Program tab...I just didn't see it because it was collapsed. Maybe the developers should consider starting out with that menu open - as it is under Program - to avoid some confusion. I can't be the only one that just didn't see it.