Sorting printouts by printer using PDF Creator

I have a program that is printing several different reports. We use PDF
Creator to save paper and generate both printed and PDF versions. I’d
like to be able to help users further by it up to automatically sort
them inside PDF Creator. Is this possible? Do I simply need to setup
several different PDF Creator printers? The PDF Creator Monitor doesn’t
seem to differentiate between different PDF Creator printers, at least
not obviously so. Suggestions?


not 100% sure if I understand your intentions correctly, you could create multiple PDFCreator printers, assign different profiles to them which point to different directories with auto save, so the user would only need to choose the according printer. You could also use some tokens, for example the token to have the PDFs stored in folders with the current date.
If this doesn´t  help please try describing your goal as detailed as possible.



We usually try to let them combine all the pages from a given set into one using the PDFCreator Monitor; so it would be nice to be able to sort stuff in the monitor automatically.

For example, i tried playing with two printers yesterday and had one set to auto-save and the other not. The once I clicked “wait to collect” on the one that didn’t, it stopped auto-saving the other one.

It would be helpful if the PDF Monitor was able to sort by the printers the jobs came from, or even by the various columns already displayed.

The basic problem is that we have a lot of pages printed, with different titles that are only useful to the end-user if they are sorted before combining them and saving them to PDF - whether it’s one big PDF or several smaller.


I am afraid there isn´t any way to automatically sort the order of documents in the print monitor, maybe this will be implemented in future as it could be useful for several users.



Thanks. And yes, that would be an excellent thing to add in the future.