System.Exception: EnumPorts should fail!

Please help.
I'm trying to reload the free PDF Creator 5.2.1 and when the setup starts i get the System.Exception: EnumPorts should fail!
We are sorry, something went wrong during setup.

I have tried to lad it many many times.

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Hello, I found the solution, before downloading PDF Creator, deactivate AdBlock and reactivate it once the installation is complete, it worked for me.

We found another solution.

The error come up when another 3rd Party PDF editor was installed on the same machine. The application has a faulty print monitor. This resulted in no printer ports being visible at all - under Windows Print Management.

  • The error message 'EnumPort should fail!' will be changed, so it is easier to understand

  • We have already asked two customers to get in touch with the 3rd Party PDF editor's Support team. I guess they will provide a fix eventually. Other applications might rely on visible printer ports as well.

  • Uninstalling the 3rd Party PDF editor will fix the issue as well
