The command or action 'OpenReport' isn't available now only on some reports

Does anyone know what would cause this error for one report but not another?  In fact, if I open the offending report and then select File...Print and select PDFCreator it makes the PDF just fine;  it even puts the file with the name that my automation set in the folder that my automation set when I do that.  I am trying to do this from a form that is set Single Form.  The strange thing to me is that it gets all the info in right, it just won't execute docmd.OpenRecord.  It does not matter if I put the code to make the PDF in a class module or the same module as the Form with the button to make the PDF.  I thank you all in advance for your time and your replies.

Ok, since no one out there seems to have the answer, I thought that I'd provide what I have found out.  In order to avoid this error with certain reports, you have to open that report acViewPreview first before changing the printer to PDFCreator and making the PDF.