Trouble printing to PDFCreator shared as a network printer

I am having trouble printing to the share of a PDFCreator printer on server 2003 (32bit). When I am on the server I can print a test page from the printer in Printers and Faxes but not from another workstation via the share \\\\machinename\\pdfprinter. I can mount the shared printer, open properties, print a test page, and see it appear in the server queue but PDFCreator never picks up the job and the server queue empties as if everything went well.

I also have tested giving "everyone" full permissions to the printer and using an account with server (local)  admin rights

I have tested 9.0.1 and 1.0.1 and both behave the same.

I suspect the security team has something in place but have no idea what it might be....


Help :)!

We also do not see anything being written to the PDFCreator temp directory. I have made sure we have full permissions to that temp location.