Unable to print to PDFCreator, pdf creator not show in printer/faxes folder

 Hi I had installed 1.2.1 pdf creator but am not able to print any document or webpage to pdf creator. I can do the test print within pdf creator and that's all I'm able to do. I keep getting an error message that the document had failed to print in the pdf creator print dialogue window. To install 1.2.1 I followed the instructions where the earlier version was to be uninstalled and it was and followed up with the new installation of 1.2.1. However after installing this new version, the pdfcreator driver in the printer/faxes folder was greyed out and shown to be offline. I could not for some reason click it back to being online. So i deleted that driver, and reinstalled 1.2.1 and this time round there wasn't any pdfCreator in the printer/faxes folder so using the desktop pdfCreator, I added pdfCreator as a printer. and then the driver appeared in the folder. But still I can't print anything - word, notepad, webpage to pdfCreator.

Please help urgently.  

Thanks in advance.

Hi i had the same problem. No expert but i used CCleaner to remove pdfCreater 1.2.1 and then used the registry part of CCleaner to remove any trace out of the registry. (used CCleaner registry backup before cleaning)

Then I reloaded PDFCreater and all works well. Hope this helps


I had the exact same problem.  Rather than using other utilities to try and fix it, I uninstalled version 1.2.1 and reinstalled 1.2.0.  Version 1.2.0 installation does not have the problem.  Hopefully someone will fix the 1.2.1 installation.

Are you using Win 7?

The try to run the Installation script as Admin (Properties - run as Admin)

Maybe this helps.