When merging documents some images turn black and white

If i right-click and go to pdfcreator options on the files themselves and merge them then all the pictures turn out fine but if I open up the documents (pdf, word, excel) and then do a Ctrl + P and choose PDFCreator to print to and Merge them that way then some images will show up white with a black background. Has anyone ran into this before? Any help would be appreciated.


if you use the right-click method, PDFCreator will check which applications are setup to print the file type in the registry and might use different applications for printing than if you do it manually. Is it always the same file type ending up with the black background?
Have you checked the settings in the printing applications?

Best regards,


It appears to be JPG files and going through the settings there is really nothing (that I’ve found) to remedy this. So if i throw a jpg picture into a word document and convert then it turns black and white (I’ve noticed only on previous black and white pictures not color) or if I take a PDF and try and print to pdf again with the jpg in there then it’ll do that same thing. And to clarify the pictures colors are reversing, so white background and black text to black background and white text.

After fiddling around with it some more it turns out the fix was to make sure “Let printer determine colors” was checked when the printing menu is up in the program (Program in question was Adobe Reader DC) and choose Advanced to find the option.