I was wondering where i could found MSI release of some older versions link 0.96, 0.95 ?
I was wondering where i could found MSI release of some older versions link 0.96, 0.95 ?
There is no msi release available for the moment. We don't have a good msi installer.
If you send me the files, pathes, regchanges, ...
i´ll do it and send the .msi back to pdfforge.
To create a PDFCreator msi package is not a simple thing. There is more than files, pathes and regchanges. We have a lot of special code in our setup. So it is better we have our own msi installer.
I am also interested in PDFCreator msi package. Will it be available soon?
Hi Frank,
> To create a PDFCreator msi package is not a simple thing.
no need to tell me, i´m tryin´ to rebuild a "100% functional" version of 0.9.8 for 5 times, the best was "full functional w/o scripting", but i need that xxx scripting.
> We have a lot of special code in our setup. So it is better we have our own msi installer.
Is this an appeal for funds? I open up with 20€ of my private wallet if there is a chance to get an MSI in ´09.
We have started a new tool to collect donations for a certain target, first of all, the MSI installer. You can donate your 20 € there via paypal and it will be listed for the MSI Installer. If you have donated already, we can set your donation for the project.
More information can be found on the donations page.
If anybody would donate a good msi installer which costs a lot (400 bucks and more) than I think it could be possible.
I'd hate to put stipulations behind money, but will the MSI be capable of defining ALL of the options in the current installer?
I'll see what I can donate (we're half the staff we used to be) if you can promise that I can do anything through an MSI deployment as I can through the current installer.
it is consuming lots of time to keep two installers up to date. Our plan is to have only one installer which will be the MSI Installer as soon it is finished. So it will be capable of anything the current one can plus maybe some things more like updating etc.
kind regards,
Good to hear.
I'll see what I can drum up.
I have donated my 20€ as promised.