Windows7 - Change Temppath location

Installing PDF Creator on Windows7, the program chose a path for the temporary files that belonged to another user. Even running under elevated privilege did not help.

This is now resolved, by making a change in the Registry :

1. From the Windows startmenu, select 'Run...' (or Windows key+R)
2. Type 'regedit' and hit enter
3. Locate the PDF Creator registry entries in:
4. Locate the key 'Printer Temppath'
5. Modify this to a path you have full access to

Hope this helps someone else out there!

Hello dax,

I have tried following your directions and if I did it right I still get the error.

I located the Printer Temppath, highlighted and then went to Edit/Permissions and made sure all users have Full Control.

Once I restart my computer it will work for a few times and then ol' faithful comes back to haunt me. 

PrinterTemppath: ' PDFCreator\\'='C:\\Users\\Scott\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\PDFCreator\\'

There is a problem when trying to access this drive or directory!


Plesae help!

Thanks sooo much






Thanks... I HAD the same problem before

after doing the changes you've mentioned it is OKAY now

